Sample Flyer of a 2018 Family Reunion in Memphis

Please take the reunion survey

Date: 2016.07.11 | Category: Memphis 2016, Survey | Response: 0

Your feedback is important!

Take the survey.

Borderline for registration is Friday, June ten

Appointment: 2016.05.24 | Category: Memphis 2016 | Response: 0

Love family,

Thanks to the folks who have made their hotel reservations and mailed in their registration forms with payment. I deeply capeesh yous.

For those who accept not turned them in, delight practice then as presently as possible. Deadline for registration is Friday, June x.

Equally I said before, the deadline to make hotel reservations at the group charge per unit was Fri, May twenty. That date is gone simply after looking at the list, I know that in that location are people who take not fabricated reservations that told me they were coming to the reunion. If you however demand a room, the but available rooms have one rex bed and a sofa bed at a rate of $129.00 per dark. Please phone call me to reserve one of those rooms. My role number is 901 – 867 – 8648 or my cell is 901 – 277 – 4847. The sooner the better equally I am not sure how long these rooms volition terminal.

My Dad is looking frontwards to seeing every bit many people as possible to attend to celebrate his 80th birthday. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Update on Uncle Thomas/Sit Family Reunion 2016 data

Date: 2016.04.08 | Category: Memphis 2016 | Response: 0

Dear Family,

Greetings to you all and Happy Spring!

My dad's health is getting better-still tweaking a few of his blood pressure medications and he volition take to have a third wire implanted in his pacemaker within the adjacent few weeks. He is besides being evaluated for a cochlear implant!! We are very excited about this-can you imagine him getting near of his hearing back??!! Past the fourth dimension you all arrive in July, he will be the bionic man!

Reunion information-the registration forms will be sent out within the adjacent couple of weeks. In the meantime, I want to reveal the logo for the upcoming reunion:

2016 sit logo

For those of you lot who want to go alee and get room reservations, here is the link to the hotel information: Holiday Inn Express & Suites Memphis/Germantown. Use the Group code: Sit Family Reunion.

If you have any questions, please exercise not hesitate to contact me. Some of our relatives do not read e-mails, and then spread the word that this information is bachelor. We now take 7 e-mail lists so if you don't meet a family member'due south email in your list, information technology is probably in another one. Even so make phones calls and send texts to brand sure that all of our family receives this information. Forward to family members! I would rather someone receive the information 3 times than not at all.

Looking forward to seeing you in Memphis in July! Exist on the lookout for the full registration packet in the adjacent couple of weeks.


ajkj8  (at)  bellsouth  (dot)  net

(supersede (at) with @; replace (dot) with .; and remove spaces. This is so that Alice'due south email address is not picked upwardly and sold by third parties.)

Beginning Reunion Speech (2001) by Eugene Sit

Date: 2016.01.15 | Category: Memphis 2001, Memphis 2016 | Response: 0

From Don Sit:

This is a speech given by Eugene Sit in 2001 at our first  reunion in Memphis, TN. Nosotros are going back to Memphis this  year so Don thought information technology appropriate to get it up on our  web site to remind folks of how Eugene thought of our family  in the history of the USA and going forward.        

Eastward.C. Sit Remarks Before the

Starting time Sit Family unit Reunion

Memphis, Tennessee

June xvi, 2001

Reunions are ever fun times. They are times for family members to get together and go acquainted and reacquainted with other family members. It'due south also a time to share past experiences and memories. Reunions also provide a good identify to review the past and anticipate the future. The legacy of the Sit Family and our challenges for the future are the subjects of my remarks tonight.

In my view, the history of the Sit Family unit in America literally is the story of the American dream! From our family unit's very humble, immigrant beginning at the turn of the 20th century, our family's history reflects the evolution and the growth and opportunity bachelor in America over the by century. The family unit's elders (the second generation who returned to America equally immature adults) exemplified an ethic of difficult piece of work; a willingness to make sacrifices and endure hardships; and of form, a wisdom to make investments in the future. We owe our ancestors a lot for the opportunities that nosotros have today.

What were our early on roots? That's the commencement signal that I want to cover with you lot.

Our American roots date dorsum to St. Louis, Missouri when the iv Sit brothers, Sun Yuen, Hom Yuen, Gnar Yuen, and Loong Yuen settled in that urban center's Chinatown community prior to World War I. After jobs as restaurant workers and laundrymen, the Sit brothers founded an import/export firm called The Oriental Tea Company. The Oriental Tea Company, at 22 South 8th Street, became the family base of operations and the brothers managed this business for more than 50 years. After World War I, 2 of the brothers returned to their homeland and became admirer farmers. Forth the manner, the two remaining brothers in St. Louis expanded their business activities to include several prominent Chinese restaurants including: The Orient Restaurant, The Thousand Inn, and, of course, the Peach Garden Restaurant at 3610 Olive Street.

Family members, relatives, and friends from the land dorsum home were given jobs upon their inflow in America and began their careers at The Oriental Tea Visitor.

The other Sit Family settlement in the early on years was in Greenville, Mississippi when the sons of Dominicus Yuen (who were the fathers of C.W. [Sidney] and Don William [Sit down]), moved southward to become entrepreneurs in the grocery concern and to raise their families. Mee Jon & Co., at 1020 Nelson Street, became the base of the family in the South.



Why are nosotros the story of the American Dream? That's the 2nd signal, and I would include the following:

  1. We are devoted to our families;
  2. We embrace the American values of difficult piece of work, integrity and commitment to excellence; and
  3. Nosotros are committed to our communities and our land.

The Sit family's legacy includes numerous examples of these virtues.

  1. fsOur devotion to family represents the most important reason for our success and explains why we are here this weekend. We are devoted to our immediate families as well every bit our "broader families." You lot will be interested in a couple of examples.
  • In the showtime, The Oriental Tea Visitor served equally the early on home for the Sits in America. It was their home away from abode, and many family unit members began their earners there.
  • In improver to family unit members, The Oriental Tea Company besides served equally domicile, whether transient or long-term, for others coming from China. The story of Mr. Chie Fong and others, as described in Cousin Hong'southward book, tells information technology all. In the early years, The Oriental Tea Company was the center of activities for all Chinese in St. Louis. It was the identify where family members and friends gathered to have their Lord's day meals and to receive news on developments in China and discuss career opportunities.
  • In terms of our firsthand family, I don't believe there was a more caring and devoted family unit member in the globe than my sister Nora and her family unit, the Engs, in Chicago. The Eng family residence at 817 Hutchinson was the guest quarters for all family members who traveled to that city for over 25 years following Earth War IL Some of united states of america, including myself, were quasi long-term guests. To all the Engs who are with us tonight, thank you.
  • Finally, how can nosotros forget Cousin Mary's hospitality in San Francisco. She, and her late husband, William, looked after the family out Westward. Upon my journey to the United States, my first impression of America was the Gilt Gate Bridge. My second was Cousin Mary'south hospitality. Her kindness and warmth even so rank amid my most pleasant memories as a 10-year erstwhile coming to America. Thanks, Cousin Mary!
  1. Through hard work, integrity and commitment to excellence, the Sit down family prospered in America despite: two world wars, the Depression, as well as the limited opportunities available for the Chinese fifty years ago. The Mississippi branch succeeded in the grocery business organisation and raised their wonderful families to exist responsible citizens and community leaders. My father looked after the clan's business interests likewise as those of other family members in St. Louis. The family unit was e'er very close, and he served equally the guardian and patriarch of the association. In improver to their business interests in America, much of the family'southward hard earned earnings were invested in land holdings in Red china and the Sit family became one of the largest landowners in the Pearl River delta.

Today, Sit family members are successful in business, education and other professional business concern endeavors. Several are also leaders in their professions and in their communities.

  1. Sit family unit members have served as leaders in their communities. Let me just highlight a few examples:
  • Wayne C. Sit has provided outstanding services every bit the leader in the Chinese customs in Chicago for more than a quarter of a century. Additionally, he has served on the national level working to amend the welfare of the Chinese in the U.S. Finally, he was an overseas consul from the U.Southward. in the Taiwan National Assembly, helping to provide better relations betwixt America and Taiwan.
  • Alan Wong was for many years the leader in the Chinatown community in San Francisco serving officially as the Managing director of the YMCA, simply unofficially equally the community leader looking subsequently the welfare of the Chinese citizens in San Francisco. He has also worked to help improve the welfare of Chinese-Americans on a national level.
  • Thomas Sit is a one-man leader in the Chinese community in Memphis. He provides assistance with respect to legal, immigration, medical, welfare and everyday needs. His phone number is in everybody's rolodex. I am but glad he doesn't offer investment communication.

Our community involvement remains true today, and information technology would be beneficial if we share with each other the commitments that we are making in our respective communities.


Sit down family unit members have also served our nation in times of need. Five family members served in the U.S. Regular army and Navy during World War Two. They are a function of that "greatest generation," as Tom Brokow described the heros of Globe War Ii. 2 of whom have unfortunately departed u.s.a., merely 3 are still with us, and ii are present here tonight. They served bravely and sacrificed their prime number years for our land. Please join me in giving Wayne and Hong a big vote of thanks. Along with many others, their efforts and contributions helped to provide the opportunities that we take today. This was achieved through The Civil Rights Act of 1965, which, probably more anything else, changed America and brought well-nigh the opportunities and equality that be in the U.S. today. Additionally, Colonial Harry F. Eng, Jr. served with great distinction in the Vietnam State of war, earning iii Bronze Stars for bravery and serving the country for more than 25 years. Finally, Captain Roger Sit recently served for half-dozen years in the United States Air Force.

These examples of commitments to family unit and service to the customs and nation are a part of our family's heritage. We tin can take cracking pride in our ancestors' accomplishments and the many opportunities that they helped to provide for u.s.a. today. We are a tremendous family unit: nosotros are close and caring of each other, nosotros accept pride in our communities and in our state, and we also savor bang-up success in concern and in professional occupations. We tin all exist very proud to exist members of the Sit family.


Now, what well-nigh futurity challenges – my concluding point of discussion. First, I'yard confident that we will be successful in further edifice the family unit's successful legacy. Based on our achievements, we definitely have what it takes; just we must realize that we need to go on to adhere to the virtues of hard work, integrity and commitment to excellence. Additionally, each of u.s.a. must hold true to that motto of "beingness the best and ever doing the best at all times."

Second, as with our parents and grandparents earlier us, we need to go along to comprehend our commitments to our families, to our communities and to our land. The earth today is more complex and change is occurring rapidly. We can succeed by simply continuing to do what we have been doing! However, a couple of changes are also required of us:

  • Now that we are fully integrated into the American society, we must broaden and expand our community involvements; and
  • Additionally, we must take a more than active leadership part in authorities on the local, country and national levels. With success, we also have greater responsibilities to our communities and to our country.

The demands on us today are greater now than ever before, merely we tin brand a difference. I believe we will successfully reply to the challenges ahead; nosotros are more talented, better educated and better prepared than our ancestors, and nosotros have more resources available to united states. Finally, we accept some wonderful role models to follow. Therefore, I am confident that the Sit Family's legacy continues as one of a work-in-progress, and we will continue to contribute significantly to our communities and to our country. I take smashing pride in our family unit and in our expectations that the best is yet to come .

We look forward to futurity reunions, and we wish you continued good health, happiness and groovy success.

Memphis 2016!

Date: 2015.06.02 | Category: Memphis 2016 | Response: 0

Save the date!

Sit Family Reunion


Memphis, TN

July 15-16, 2016

More data to followBeale St


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